Title IX - Know Your Rights


SLCC - Campus Climate Survey

The primary goal of the Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct is to provide participating institutions of higher education with information to inform policies to prevent and respond to sexual assault and misconduct.

South Louisiana Community College administered its most recent campus climate survey in the spring of 2017, encouraging all students to participate and provide their perspectives. The survey asked students about their perceptions of campus community, culture and safety as well as their experiences with prohibited sexual conduct.

Results of the survey are issued each spring. Links to the survey report and related information are provided below. South Louisiana Community College will use the findings of the survey to continue improving education, prevention, support and adjudication as part of its ongoing effort to achieve a campus environment free of sexual assault and misconduct.

For Title IX inquiries, contact:

Damian Glover

Executive Director for Student Services, Title IX and Opioid Response Coordinator

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