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Campus Bookstore Updates

Campus Bookstore Updates

A Message from the Campus Bookstore –– 

  • RENTAL ITEMS STILL MUST BE RETURNED.  While the bookstore is currently closed, you can visit the bookstore website at slcclafayetteshop.com for information on how to safely return your rented textbooks, including options for shipping your rentals to the bookstore - visit the website for more information.  We will announce guidelines for in-person return of your rented textbooks once we know more about a timeline for reopening the bookstore.
  • The SLCC Campus Bookstore will reopen as soon as it has been determined it is safe to do so.
  • The safety of our customers and associates is our top priority.  Upon reopening, the bookstore will announce any additional social distancing measures we will be taking to ensure the safety of our customers and associates.
  • We will have more information about graduation sales and order pickup once we know more about a timeline for reopening.

We realize that without our students, there is no bookstore, and we appreciate your support.  We understand how frustrating this has been for everyone, we miss you all and look forward to seeing you all again soon.  


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