Financial Aid


Attendance Policy and Procedure

Experience shows that students who attend class perform better on exams and in the workforce. If you find that you are not able to continue attending any class, please consult with your faculty advisor. If you are unable to attend all of your classes and must withdraw from school, please review the withdrawal policy found below. Do not assume you will be automatically withdrawn from a class by not attending. If you stop attending without dropping or withdrawing by the deadline, you will likely receive a failing grade and will still be responsible for paying for the course.

Withdrawal Process

Students who wish to officially withdraw from SLCC must complete the Withdrawal Form. It can also be found on LoLA under the Student Home tab. Official withdrawal is not complete until the withdrawal process is completed on LoLA or the Withdrawal Form is submitted to the Registrar. Keep in mind that simply ceasing attendance does not constitute an official withdrawal but will be considered an unofficial withdrawal. Students who withdraw officially or unofficially (stop attending classes without completing a withdrawal form) may be subject to repay Federal Student Aid funds received for the semester. Students who fail to officially withdrawal may also receive an F for each course for which an official withdrawal was not submitted.

Title IV Aid When a Student Withdraws

The law specifies how SLCC must determine the amount of Title IV program assistance that you earn if you withdraw from school. The Title IV programs that are covered by this law are: Federal Pell Grants, Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants, TEACH Grants, Stafford Loans, PLUS Loans, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOGs) and Federal Perkins Loans.

When you withdraw during your payment period or period of enrollment (your school can define these for you and tell you which one applies), the amount of Title IV program assistance that you have earned up to that point is determined by a specific formula. If you received (or your school or parent received on your behalf) less assistance than the amount that you earned, you may be able to receive those additional funds. If you received more assistance than you earned, the excess funds must be returned by the school and/or you.

The amount of assistance that you have earned is determined on a pro rata basis. For example, if you completed 30% of your payment period or period of enrollment, you earn 30% of the assistance you were originally scheduled to receive. Once you have completed more than 60% of the payment period or period of enrollment, you earn all the assistance that you were scheduled to receive for that period.

If you did not receive all of the funds that you earned, you may be due a Post-withdrawal disbursement.

If your Post-withdrawal disbursement includes loan funds, your school must get your permission before it can disburse them. You may choose to decline some or all of the loan funds so that you don’t incur additional debt. Your school may automatically use all or a portion of your Post-withdrawal disbursement of grant funds for tuition, fees, and room and board charges (as contracted with the school). The school needs your permission to use the Post-withdrawal grant disbursement for all other school charges. If you do not give your permission (some schools ask for this when you enroll), you will be offered the funds. However, it may be in your best interest to allow the school to keep the funds to reduce your debt at the school.

There are some Title IV funds that you were scheduled to receive that cannot be disbursed to you once you withdraw because of other eligibility requirements. For example, if you are a first-time, first year undergraduate student and you have not completed the first 30 days of your program before you withdraw, you will not receive any Direct Loan funds that you would have received had you remained enrolled past the 30th day.

If you receive (or your school or parent receives on your behalf) excess Title IV program funds that must be returned, your school must return a portion of the excess equal to the lesser of:

  1. Your institutional charges multiplied by the unearned percentage of your funds, or
  2. The entire amount of excess funds.

The school must return this amount even if it didn’t keep this amount of your Title IV program funds.

If your school is not required to return all of the excess funds, you must return the remaining amount.

Any loan funds that you must return, you (or your parent for a PLUS Loan) repay in accordance with the terms of the promissory note. That is, you make scheduled payments to the holder of the loan over a period of time.

Any amount of unearned grant funds that you must return is called an overpayment. The maximum amount of a grant overpayment that you must repay is half of the grant funds you received or were scheduled to receive. You do not have to repay a grant overpayment if the original amount of the overpayment is $50 or less. Students must repay the overpayment to the school or the Department of Education within 45 days of notification of overpayment or they will be reported to NSLDS and referred to Debt Resolution Services for collections.

The requirements for Title IV program funds when you withdraw are separate from any refund policy that your school may have. Therefore, you may still owe funds to the school to cover unpaid institutional charges. Your school may also charge you for any Title IV program funds that the school was required to return. If you don’t already know what your school’s refund policy is, you can ask the Student Account Office for a copy.

Sample Return of Title IV Worksheets: (Click to open)

Sample A- PELL Funding Only

Sample B- PELL and Loans

If you have questions about your Title IV program funds, you can call the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-4-FEDAID (1-800-433-3243). TTY users may call 1-800-730-8913. Information is also available at Student Aid.

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