Financial Aid


** SLCC's school code for FAFSA : 039563 **

First things first when applying for financial aid: complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Be sure to select the correct Aid Year. If you are starting after July 1, 2015, you will select the 2015-2016 FAFSA.

Processing Time: Once you have completed your FAFSA, please allow 7-10 days for your application to be sent SLCC. You can then check your LOLA account for any additional requirements you will need to complete. If there are, complete these as soon as possible to insure sufficient time for processing your application.

Verification: Approximately 40% of all students applying for PELL funding are selected by the Department of Education for a process known as Verification. If you have been selected for verification, you are required to submit additional documentation to the Financial Aid Office.

  1. Documents required for verification: Check your LoLA account > Financial Aid Tab > Eligibility Icon > Student Requirements link to determine which verification documentation you must submit. Click on Unsatisfied Requirements and you will be directed to the correct documents.
  2. Student responsibilities: Verification documentation must be submitted before financial aid will be awarded. You must submit your verification documentation and any corrections within 15-days of the date you were notified that your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) was received by SLCC. Failure to submit your documentation by the deadline will result in delays in certification and award of your financial aid.
  3. Notification methods: SLCC uses LoLA and/or your school email address ( to notify you of any changes, updates, or awards of financial aid. Please check your LoLA account and your school email on a regular basis. If you have questions about your financial aid, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 337-521-9621
  4. Submitting documents: You may submit your verification documents to SLCC in person, by fax, by email, or by regular mail.
    1. In Person – You may drop off your documents at the Financial Aid Office located at 1101 Bertrand, Lafayette, LA or you may take them to the front desk at your local campus and ask to have them faxed to Financial Aid. Please keep a copy of all documents you submit.
    2. By Fax – You may fax your documents to 337-521-8992
    3. By E-mail – You may e-mail your documents as an attachment to “Financial Aid.”
    4. By Mail – You may send your documents by regular mail addressed to Financial Aid Office, South Louisiana Community College, 1101 Bertrand, Lafayette, LA 70506.


If information on your verification documents contradicts what is on your FAFSA, SLCC may make changes to your FAFSA. If these changes result in a change to your Expected Family Contribution, you will be notified through your LoLA account or your email account. For certain changes, you may be contacted by a Financial Aid advisor to make the corrections directly on your FAFSA. Your financial aid will not be processed until the changed FAFSA has been received from the Department of Education.

SLCC’s FAFSA School Code: Regardless of the program you are enrolled in or which campus you attend, you must put the SLCC school code 039563 on your FAFSA.

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